Production sprint 1 week 3
Heaven VS. Hell - Updates: week 03
We began this week by improving our previous mechanics,
the traps, characters, textures, models, enemy, switches, level, etc...
// -- Mechanics -- //
So far ,the main mechanic in heaven is, to push the player of the platform.
At the moment, you have two key factors to achieve this.
- Arrows
-> The players can shoot arrows to give the opponent a push back. - Pick-up
-> The players can pick up an item that will give them a force field that will push everyone away
The goal in hell is to damage players and eventually kill them, you can achieve this in many ways.
- Traps
-> there are different traps with different damage collisions, - Attacking with your weapon.
-> The sword can swing against your opponent which will result into some damage (not a lot, but enough to give your opponent some stress) - Dashing with your weapon.
-> You can dash & your weapon will point towards where you dash.
// -- A.I. -- //
Way point A.I.
We've created an enemy that can move around the pre - defined way points.
This is still the beginning stage of our first A.I. agent, (updates will follow)
Wander push back A.I.
We've also created an enemy agent that can wander with a random direction & random speed & random wait time (idle)
The circle around the agent indicates the radius of the push back zone.
Once you cross this zone, he will push you back!
The upside of this A.I. is , he can't damage you, the down side is, he can push you far away!
(still in the beginning stage, updates will follow)
// -- TRAPS -- //
So far, we have three traps, each one of them has its own quirk & feature. Every trap has its own damage points, some will give the players more damage than the other traps.
- Turn in different directions
- Pushes the player back
- Damages the player with -20
- Added Texture
- Improved models
Circle Saw
- The saw can move with waypoints
- Damages the player with -10
- Improved models
- Added Textures
- The Spikes move with waypoints
- Damages the player with -10
- Improved models
- Added Textures
// -- ART -- //
The art in our game has improved significantly, we have two "islands" now for our heaven & hell.
Containing assets:
Heaven | Hell |
- Big clouds - Single cloud - Small cloud - Bush - Grass - Bow - Character - Map - Pillar - Small tree - Medium tree - Large tree - Winged enemy - | - Big fence - Bridge - Fence - Flat rock - Long rock - Small rock - Character - Map - Small tree - Medium tree - Large tree - Spike trap - Blade trap - Circle Saw trap - Spiked enemy |
// -- U.I. -- //
Corruption bar
When the players attack each other, a corruption bar will fill and the point box will display how much corruption there is.
Each hit or damage you receive from a trap will give a certain amount of corruption, when the bar is filled, the level will switch to heaven mode.
Health bar
The health bar will go in a circular movement, this bar will slide with the player's health.
We work with a 100 % health system. ( traps & players will influence how much damage you receive)
Health bar 2.0

public void ChangeHealthBar() { HealthBar.fillAmount = CurrentHealth / 100.0f; if (CurrentHealth >= 65) { HealthBar.color = _greenColor; } else if (CurrentHealth < 65 && CurrentHealth >= 35) { HealthBar.color = _yellowColor; } else if (CurrentHealth < 34) { HealthBar.color = _redColor; } }
The colors will change, this is influenced by how much hp the player has left.
We made a simple menu when you start the game,
Play -> start game
Settings -> (not complete yet)
Extra -> extra stuff like : information, credits, story
Quit -> will quit your game
// -- Sound -- //
We've gathered different sound tracks for the background music & menu & credits.
Also we got a lot of sound effects that need some editing.
(still in the beginning phase, update will follow!)
Problems we've encountered:
While making the code so the players can die, we encountered a problem with the level switch. The players and their health had to be transferred to the characters of the other level. At first the player controllers were switched when switching the level. For example player 3 became player 1. We fixed this by giving the player number to the new characters. The second problem was that when a player dies, there was an error that the game manager searches for a player in the array that doesn’t exist anymore. So when a player dies now the array holding the players resizes to the new amount of active players.
The traps also had a lot of bugs since we changed the models a lot of times, the main reason was the conversion between 3ds max & Unity.
Get [Group04] Heaven vs. Hell
[Group04] Heaven vs. Hell
game project
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