Prototype sprint week 1

Heaven vs. Hell is a top down fighting game for 2 to 4 players. The players are in hell and have to fight each other to the death with melee weapons they can choose(sword, chainsaw), or till the time runs out. There are numerous traps that can damage the player (pits, swinging blades and turning blades). The more damage the player deals to his/her opponent, the more corruption points they get. If the total amount of corruption reaches a certain point the stage switches to heaven. In Heaven the player can’t do melee attacks that will damage the other players, but they have to push their opponents of the level. If the player falls of the map a certain amount of their health will be taken. The players can push others with pillows and ranged weapons. The players still have corruption points which makes them slower in heaven, but the points gradually decrease till the total hits 0, then the stage returns to hell. The players can pick up certain items that will help and heal them in battle(extra health, power, defence and speed) in both heaven and hell.

The end goal is to defeat the other player(s)

There are a couple of question we are asking ourselves before making this game:

What makes our game special?

How do we implement the switch between heaven and hell?

What kind of camera view do we use?

Do we use split screen?


We already found the solution for the last 2 question in a prototype. It appears to be best to put the camera above the players and to not use split screen. With the camera above the characters the players have a good overview of the surrounding level and their opponents, which eliminates the use of split screen. The camera will zoom in and out depending on the distances between players.


During this first week of prototyping we had one main problem. Most of us have never work in Unity before, so we had to learn how it worked before we could begin with prototyping. It took some time but we learned fast and made some prototypes.


For next week we will prototype the level switch and how it affects the gameplay.

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Feb 27, 2019

Get [Group04] Heaven vs. Hell

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